BSR Member Benefits
BSR Member Benefits Overview As a BSR member, your company will gain access to a powerful global network of member companies, thought leaders, peers, and stakeholders—all focused on creating viable sustainability solutions. BSR is a global nonprofit organization that works with its network of more than 300 member companies to build a just and sustainable world. From its offices in Asia, Europe, and North America, BSR develops sustainable business strategies and solutions through consulting, research, and cross-sector collaboration. Visit for more information about BSR’s more than 20 years of leadership in sustainability. With deep experience from farm to factory to boardroom, we translate ideas into real outcomes that deliver value for business and society. As BSR works to build an even stronger membership network, we have developed a new and enhanced framework for member company benefits. Membership focuses on three core elements: access to BSR expertise and insights, participation in collaborative solutions, and networking with peers and stakeholders. Collaborative Solutions Networking Expertise and Insights Collaborative initiatives to generate Networking opportunities Access to BSR expertise to sustainability solutions with peers and stakeholders improve company performance Dedicated account representative, Access to suite of Collaborative Participation in regional industry- and issue-based events year-round plus access to global staff Initiatives to learn, work, and drive expertise change across topics, regions, Discount on select events and functional areas Customized support from a menu of engagement options Participation in a designated BSR Collaborative Initiative at no extra Annual meeting with BSR account cost, or credit to participate in any team to discuss strategy and other BSR initiative emerging trends Opportunities to participate in Discount of 33 percent on global, grant-funded sustainability standard consulting rates initiatives and research Unlimited subscriptions to BSR Insight newsletter and participation in members-only Sustainability Matters webinars held year-round We believe that BSR provides exceptional value for member companies by combining engagement from the BSR team with opportunities to collaborate with companies and other partners in the network. For more details, please see the member benefits comparison matrix.