To make this more practical, we will look at three examples of SaaS providers and describe the different groups of rightsholders potentially impacted by each provider’s services. We will use these examples throughout the report to illustrates potential human rights impacts. SaaS Service Provider 1 provides enterprise solutions, such as customer relationship management (CRM) or human capital management (HCM) services. They sell their solutions through distributors and resellers who customize the services before selling them to customers. One of their customers is a retail company. This SaaS provider’s service may have an impact on the following groups: Customer/Direct User End-User Other potentially employees of the retail customers of the retail impacted groups company (sales and company (in the case of the employees of the distributor marketing teams for the CRM solution) or employees or reseller (sales teams, IT CRM solution, and HR teams of the retail company (in the engineers) for the HCM solution) case of the HCM solution) SaaS Service Provider 2 provides tools for software developers and product teams, such as issue tracking and code management services. One of their customers is a social media company that runs an open web platform. This SaaS provider’s service may impact the following groups: Customer/Direct User End-User/Indirect User Other potentially employees of the social users of the social media impacted groups media company (software platform anyone who is subject to the developers) content posted on the social media platform SaaS Service Provider 3 provides industrial solutions, including AI-based factory plant management and modeling services. One of their customers is a company that manufactures airplanes and sells them to airlines. This provider’s SaaS service may impact the following groups: Customer/Direct User End-User/Indirect User employees of the manufacturing company customers of the airline company (factory workers, product designers) (passengers), employees of the airline company (pilots, flight attendants) 15 Human Rights Assessment of the Software-as-a-Service Sector

Human Rights Assessment of the Software-as-a-Service Sector Page 15 Page 17