We define rightsholders and stakeholders as follows: • Rightsholders: Individuals whose rights could be impacted by the company or through the use of the company’s products and/or services. Rightsholders may directly interact with the company and its products and services as employees, contractors, customers, or users. However, in the context of the end-use of SaaS services, affected rightsholders may also include non-users who do not interact directly with the company or its services. For exam- ple, if a healthcare provider uses a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution, all beneficiaries of the healthcare service are potential rightsholders for the provider of the CRM solution. • Stakeholders: Organizations informed about and capable of speaking on behalf of right- sholders, such as civil society organizations, activist groups, opinion formers, policy makers, or regulators. In this HRA, BSR engaged directly with a range of experts and civil society organizations, who provided insights into the risks and opportunities for rightsholders arising from the use of SaaS products. To enable candid dialogue, the identities of the individuals and organizations we consulted have been kept confidential. Engagement with rightsholders and stakeholders is particularly challenging for SaaS providers given the huge scope of rightsholders that may be impacted in the downstream value chain of SaaS services. 11 Human Rights Assessment of the Software-as-a-Service Sector