Engage critical voices in good faith and encourage clients and portfolio companies to do the same. Engaging with and enabling critical voices to raise concerns in good faith is key for finding human rights red flags. Instead of looking to manage reputational harm associated with highly critical stakeholders, FIs should embrace the tension that may arise in these situations and recognize it as an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge, inform due diligence, and even partner with external voices to jointly find solutions to key challenges. Consider not just the who but also the how. Meaningful stakeholder engagement means not only considering who to engage, but also how to engage, which will differ based on the individual or group. To ensure that interactions are meaningful, FIs should undertake efforts to remove inherent power imbalances and ensure stakeholders are able to engage on an even playing field, especially when they may face threats to their security and well-being. This may involve the participation of mediators, facilitators, or other third parties. The Call to Action 05 Ensure and Enable Access to Remedy for Victims of Harm Preventing harm is essential for respecting human rights, but so is repairing wrongs for victims of harm and ensuring access to remedy.14 FIs are expected to adopt or participate in effective grievance mechanisms that provide a channel for stakeholders, including affected rights-holders, to report adverse human rights impacts connected to an FI’s activities and portfolios. This may involve innovating approaches to remedy. Establish human rights grievance mechanisms for concerns arising in financed projects, such as the one launched by ANZ Bank in 2021 following extensive consultation with human rights organizations. Participate in or create multistakeholder initiatives with a grievance and remedy component that enables stakeholders to share information about human rights harm 24 HUMAN RIGHTS ROADMAP FOR TRANSFORMING FINANCE

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