INTRODUCTION PROCESS PHASE 1 PHASEPHASE 2 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 PHASE 5 CONCLUSION TOOL Codes of Conduct Human Rights, Social Document Review Checklist Performance, and Code of conduct Communities As part of understanding the company’s current Supplier code of Community and social position and commitments related to just transition, conduct performance policies/ it is bene昀椀cial to assess existing practices by looking standards/guidance through existing documents to understand where just Climate Community report(s) transition elements might already be addressed or are relevant to integrate. Climate strategy, action Existing stakeholder lists plan(s) or mapping Climate report(s) Human rights commitments and policy Human Resources Human rights report(s) Stakeholder Equity, inclusion, engagement policy diversity, and/or social justice policies Other Employment/labor policies/standards/ Annual reports guidelines Company values Labor relations or Closure standards/ engagement policies/ guidance guidelines Health, safety, and environment policies/ standards/guidance Sustainability reports BSR JUST TRANSITION PLANNING GUIDANCE 23