INTRODUCTION PROCESS PHASEPHASE 1 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 PHASE 5 CONCLUSION TOOL Stakeholder Engagement Guidance: Identify Key Just Transition Stakeholders Which stakeholders are engaged in the just transition agenda? 1. What unions/organizations represent workers at the 5. Who has a voice/who is not represented? company as well as in the supply chain at the global and local level? What is their focus? 6. What groups are advocating on matters related to a 2. What other organizations or individuals represent just transition at the local, national, and global level? affected stakeholders in these communities? 7. What academic institutions or organizations have relevant expertise or capabilities to identify, assess, or 3. How are national and local governments addressing address just transition impacts? the transition and who leads these discussions or efforts? 8. How are internal company stakeholders engaged at a 4. Which organizations or individuals represent corporate, country, and local level? vulnerable populations in these communities? BSR JUST TRANSITION PLANNING GUIDANCE 14