INTRODUCTION PROCESS PHASE 1 PHASEPHASE 2 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 PHASE 5 CONCLUSION TOOL Just Transition Indicators and Fundamental Actions Just Transition Fundamental Which individual/department What has been done? Indicator Actions is currently responsible for Where can it be found? the action? Who else should be involved? Social dialogue 1. Commit to social dialogue with workers and unions, including and stakeholder negotiations. engagement 2. Commit to meaningful engagement with affected stakeholders. 3. Engage in early, open, and continuous social dialogue and meaningful engagement with affected stakeholders on the just transition, including on risks, opportunities, impacts, and solutions. 4. Identify and disclose the different categories of key stakeholders to engage or that have been engaged on the just transition (including workers, communities, local NGOs, local government, etc.). BSR JUST TRANSITION PLANNING GUIDANCE 26