INTRODUCTION PROCESS PHASEPHASE 1 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 PHASE 4 PHASE 5 CONCLUSION TOOL Stakeholder 1. Identify Key Just Transition Engagement Stakeholders Guidance A thoughtful and detailed identi昀椀cation of affected stakeholders It is essential for companies to engage in social dialogue and is essential to understanding the full picture of the global just stakeholder engagement on just transition with a variety of transition context as well as local impacts. Meaningful, open, stakeholders. This guidance aims to help companies: and transparent social dialogue and stakeholder engagement » Identify key just transition stakeholder categories ensures the inclusion of impacted, marginalized, and vulnerable groups. Outreach to workers, their representatives and/or unions, local communities that might be impacted, as well as » De昀椀ne the engagement objective(s) and focus for engaging with governments is fundamental to identifying relevant stakeholders. different stakeholders Stakeholders should be identi昀椀ed at both the global and local » Determine relevant engagement approaches levels, particularly in key geographies, with the involvement of departments/individuals who have existing relationships with stakeholders and responsibilities for the relevant topics. It is also critical to consider key business relationships including suppliers, partners, and customers. De昀椀nition of “Stakeholders” According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), stakeholders are “persons or groups who have interests that are or could be impacted 18 A stakeholder is someone who a昀昀ects or is a昀昀ected by an enterprise’s activities.” by a company’s operations, activities, products, or services, and can be either inside The following pages include questions that are or outside the company. Common stakeholders include employees, rightsholders, trade unions, civil society organizations, policymakers, regulators, suppliers, business examples to guide stakeholder identi昀椀cation. partners, investors, consumers, and the communities impacted by operations. Phase 1: Gather your team and engage in a transparent social discussion around stakeholder identi昀椀cation and BSR JUST TRANSITION PLANNING GUIDANCE future planning. 12
The Just Transition Planning Process for Business Page 11 Page 13