INTRODUCTION PROCESS PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASEPHASE 3 3 PHASE 4 PHASE 5 CONCLUSION TOOL Just Transition Indicators and Fundamental Actions AD HOC NASCENT ESTABLISHED INTEGRATED Retaining The company has not identi昀椀ed a The company has started to identify The company is committed to re- and/or up- The company is committed to and takes and re- and/ need to re- and/or up-skill workers a need to re- and/or up-skill workers skill workers displaced by the transition to appropriate action to re- and/or up-skill workers or up-skilling displaced by the transition to a net- displaced by the transition to a net- a net-zero economy and has a process for displaced by the transition to a net-zero zero economy or only refers to this on zero economy and is exploring how to identifying skills gaps for workers and affected economy in a way that ensures gender balance a very general level. do so. stakeholders that includes engagement with and inclusion of vulnerable groups, and that unions, communities, and governments. involves engagement with unions, communities, and governments to identify skill gaps and opportunities. Social The company has initiatives or The company has initiatives or The company demonstrates how it contributes The company describes how it identi昀椀es protection philanthropy to support surrounding philanthropy related to the net-zero to addressing the impacts of the net-zero the impacts of the net-zero transition on and social communities, although this is not transition that focuses on supporting transition on workers’ social protection and social protection for workers and affected impact necessarily related to the net-zero communities or other groups affected affected stakeholders in the contexts in which it stakeholders and contributes to social management transition or directed at affected by the transition to a net-zero operates. protection in the contexts in which it operates. stakeholders. economy. The company expects its business partners to contribute to social protection. Advocacy for The company does not disclose or The company does not disclose or The company demonstrates that it lobbies, The company actively lobbies for policies and policies and discloses limited information on its discloses limited information on its directly and/or through trade associations and/ regulation for green and decent job creation; regulation lobbying activities related to just lobbying activities related to just or employer organizations, for just transition retention, education, and reskilling; and social TOR transition, or there is no alignment transition, or there is no alignment policies and regulations that enable the protection aligned with stakeholder priorities. between the company’s business between the company’s business generation of green and decent jobs and the The company is transparent in its policy strategy, just transition commitments, strategy, just transition commitments, retention, education, and reskilling of workers positions and does not lobby for activities that INDICA and policy engagement, or the and policy engagement, or the and/or social protection of workers and are misaligned with a just transition. company actively and publicly company actively and publicly affected stakeholders at the local, national, advocates for policies that contradict a advocates for policies that contradict and/or international level. just transition in some cases. a just transition in some cases. The company discloses any misalignment of its The company is not transparent lobbying activities with policies and regulation about any potential misalignment of that support a just transition and discloses the its lobbying activities with policies measures it takes to address this. and regulation that support the just transition. The company recognizes the need The company has engaged with some The company is committed to supporting The company has implemented clear processes In昀氀uence to engage with business partners business partners on just transition, business partners to understand just transition for engaging with business partners on the and support on just transition, but it has not yet but it is not standard process to and how this might affect their stakeholders just transition. These processes might relate to on just done so. engage on this topic and tries to in昀氀uence business partners to sharing knowledge and best practices, business transition engage in just transition efforts. partner capability building on just transition, approaches collaborating with business partners to help for business partners integrate just transition elements, or in昀氀uencing business partners through requirements of just transition integration. 22 BSR JUST TRANSITION PLANNING GUIDANCE Source: The maturity scale draws from and expands on the World Benchmarking Alliance’s just transition indicators for assessment of corporate efforts. 36