INTRODUCTION PROCESS PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASEPHASE 3 3 PHASE 4 PHASE 5 CONCLUSION TOOL Just Transition Indicators and Fundamental Actions AD HOC NASCENT ESTABLISHED INTEGRATED Commitment The company does not directly The company mentions a just The company has a public commitment to a just The company has a public commitment to a just to a just mention a just transition in climate transition but does not demonstrate a transition and relates just transition to relevant transition, which is aligned with international transition commitments but mentions some just formal approach to it. aspects of the business, demonstrating a clear standards and frameworks such as the ILO transition components (such as social understanding of priority just transition issues guidelines. The commitment is consistently dialogue or stakeholder engagement) to be addressed and how they relate to the integrated into corporate strategy, policies, and with little or no connection to the company. program areas. business. Social The company has not identi昀椀ed The company commits to social The company commits to social dialogue as it The company commits to social dialogue, dialogue and stakeholders that are speci昀椀cally dialogue as it relates to elements of relates to elements of a just transition. discloses the categories of stakeholders affected by the transition, but it a just transition. it engages with on just transition, and stakeholder engages stakeholders including The company identi昀椀es relevant stakeholders, demonstrates ongoing social dialogue engagement workers, local communities, and The company identi昀椀es relevant is involved in social dialogue, and engages and meaningful engagement with affected unions on other issues that are related stakeholders affected by the stakeholders in a meaningful way on some just stakeholders on all aspects of just transition. to a just transition. transition but has little social transition elements. dialogue and minimal engagement The company is transparent on how input from with stakeholders on just transition stakeholders is considered in decision-making. elements. TORJust The company has a decarbonization The company has a decarbonization The company has a decarbonization strategy, The company demonstrates net-zero transition transition strategy, with little to no evidence of strategy and has mapped out which integrates considerations of social planning, which aligns with international INDICAplanning social impacts and engagement with associated social impacts and/or implications and affected human rights and sets human rights standards, has timebound, affected stakeholders. has engaged with some affected out objectives for a just transition. The company measurable indicators for a just transition, stakeholders on how the company has engaged with some affected stakeholders to involves board awareness and senior-level plans to address these. inform these objectives. engagement, and is informed by and builds on There is senior-level awareness of just transition social dialogue and stakeholder engagement. planning and the company has formulated KPIs on just transition elements. Creating and The company loosely mentions an The company has an ambition to The company is committed to, and looks for The company is committed to and takes supporting ambition to create and support, as create and support, as well as retain, opportunities for, retaining and creating or appropriate action to create or support access access well as retain, green and decent jobs. green and decent jobs. The company supporting access to green and decent jobs. to green and decent jobs in a way that ensures to green and The company has not identi昀椀ed or acknowledges the risk of dislocating The company assesses and discloses risks of gender balance and inclusion of vulnerable disclosed the risk of dislocation due to workers as a part of the transition employment dislocation where relevant. groups. The company assesses and discloses decent jobs the transition to a net-zero economy in to a net-zero economy and assesses risks of employment dislocation where relevant. a way that relates to the company or and discloses where this might be its industry. relevant for workers in the company or value chain. BSR JUST TRANSITION PLANNING GUIDANCE 35