INTRODUCTION PROCESS PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASEPHASE 3 3 PHASE 4 PHASE 5 CONCLUSION TOOL Just Transition Maturity Commitment to Commitment to respecting Scale climate action human rights Fundamental to any just transition action and » Set short- and long-term » Make a public commitment to planning should be a commitment to climate action, science-based targets aligned respect human rights underpinned by the goals of the Paris Agreement, with meeting net-zero emissions and a commitment to respecting human rights aligned by 2050 » Conduct ongoing human rights with the UNGPs. These commitments should be public, due diligence and action to support the commitments » Draft a climate transition plan should include: » Provide individuals who may have their rights violated with remedy Building on these fundamental commitments and actions, companies can use the following scale to evaluate their maturity on just transition. The maturity scale builds on the Just Transition Indicators and Fundamental Actions Tool from Phase 2 to expand on what just transition maturity looks like across the just transition indicators. It is based on current guidance and is likely to evolve and be enhanced over time. The maturity scale can facilitate the assessment of the company’s just transition approach, actions, and maturity across eight different indicators, helping to understand how advanced the company is across the just transition, and what is needed to increase maturity. BSR JUST TRANSITION PLANNING GUIDANCE 34