Resources for Employee Resource Groups Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) can play an important role in raising awareness amongst employees on gun violence, supporting victims, and working with company leadership to ensure a value chain free of gun violence. Some ERGs may already by talking about issues related to gun violence, such as mental health and domestic violence. ERG Activities and Resources • Advocate for your company to move to a guns free 401(k) using As You Sow’s. Free Action Toolkit • Hold a safe gun storage training with an external provider. • Share resources on safe storage and gun safety education from external organizations if needed, such as safe gun storage, BEsmart For Kids, One Thing You Can Do which provides state-specific information. • Participate in National Gun Violence Awareness Day (June 4) and Wear Orange to demonstrate support for the gun violence prevention movement. • Hold a fundraising campaign for a gun violence prevention organization such as those mentioned on slide 83. • Advocate for your employer to use the Toolkit for Corporate Action to End Gun Violence to ensure their value chain is free of gun violence.