Executive Summary: What You Will Find in the Toolkit This Toolkit for Corporate Action on Gun Violence was developed to guide companies as they work to address gun violence, both internally in their own operations and externally in the communities they are linked to. The Toolkit is split into three sections: the business case, framework, and industry deep dives. BUSINESS CASE FRAMEWORK INDUSTRY DEEP DIVES Objective: Objective: Objective: Demonstrate how business is interconnected with Provide examples of potential actions for Demonstrate for specific sectors detailed case gun violence and show the importance of companies and connect with useful resources on studies, actions, and key learnings for business company action on gun violence. advancing strategies against gun violence. action on gun violence. Contents Contents Contents • Why businesses should be concerned with • Shows stages of action from most nascent Industry-specific deep dives for: gun violence. (stage 1) to most advanced (stage 4) for • Healthcare services and facilities • Understanding where your company is in the companies taking action on gun violence. • Retail gun violence supply chain. • Financial services • Media and social media • Technology This toolkit was developed by BSR with the support of Everytown for Gun Safety who provided their expert perspectives on the topic of gun safety.