Industry Deep Dive | Financial Services There are two publicly traded Bank of America announced in 2018 In the year following the Sandy Hook massacre in Newtown, firearms manufacturers: Sturm that it would stop lending money to Connecticut, shares in the publicly traded companies Sturm Ruger Ruger and Smith & Wesson. gun manufacturers who make and Smith & Wesson jumped more than 70%, benefiting Often without realizing it, military-style firearms for civilian institutional investors such as Vanguard, Blackrock, and Fidelity. institutional investors may be use. For the time being, Bank of connected to gun violence America continues to offer The tables below show the percentage of Vanguard’s and Fidelity’s fund through their investments in banking services to firearms assets that are composed of civilian firearms investments. gun manufacturing companies retailers, regardless of the firearms and distributors, insurance, and they carry, or of the retailers' gun safety policies. underwriting. For life insurance, risky avocations Gun manufacturers 168 $1.11B 0.02% Banks may also provide such as private aviation, scuba Manufacturers of civilian firearms holdings invested of fund assets commercial loans to gun diving, and rock climbing might be Vanguard companies, while financial considered in the underwriting Major gun retailers 131 $19.21B 0.35% services platforms like credit process, though firearm ownership Largest public retailers of civilian firearms holdings invested of fund assets cards and third-party payment generally is not. The death rate processors play a role in attributable to gun ownership is Fidelity Gun manufacturers 236 $1.15B 0.05% enabling sales and purchase of 46% higher than scuba diving Manufacturers of civilian firearms holdings invested of fund assets guns and firearms. (appx. 240 deaths per million gun Investment owners). Scuba is commonly used Major gun retailers 243 $4.54B 0.19% in insurance underwriting; gun Largest public retailers of civilian firearms holdings invested of fund assets ownership is not. Gun-Free Funds; NYT: BAC Gun Policy; Mother Jones: Gun Investors