Healthcare | Promoting Best Practices on Gun Violence Reduction Kaiser Permanente is the largest nonprofit, integrated health system in the U.S. In 2019 they pledged to fund 3 clinical research studies focusing on how clinicians can help prevent firearm injuries—including suicide, intimate partner violence, and accidents—as part of its pledge to invest $2 million to prevent gun injuries and deaths. Proposed Clinical Research Studies • Evaluating a web-based education tool for safe firearm storage in patients at risk for suicide – Kaiser Permanente Colorado Institute for Health Research. The research funds accompany the • Understanding risk factors of firearm-related injuries and death in adult and formation of Kaiser Permanente’s pediatric populations: Risk prediction and opportunities for prevention – Firearm Injury Prevention Task Force. Kaiser Permanente Southern California Department of Research & Evaluation. The initiative’s goal is to understand what the best practices • Integration of firearm suicide-prevention tools in health care settings: currently are, to investigate new Patient-reported access to firearms and decision aid for storing firearms. ones, and to standardize practices grounded in evidence and show demonstrated effectiveness. Sources: Kaiser Permanente