Internal Actions: Workforce and Operations Stage Action Business Function Activities and Resources Raise awareness with Human Resources, Employee • Hold employee training sessions on safe storage and gun safety education. employees on gun safety, Engagement • Provide resources to employees on safe storage and gun safety education from external including safe storage and gun organizations if needed, such as BeSmart, and One Thing You Can Do which provides state- safety education and training. specific information. Review employee benefits Human Resources, Benefits • Review As You Sow’s Guns Free Funds to ensure investments are not going to companies plan to ensure 401K and other that make and sell guns. 3 investment plans are gun-free. Ensure company efforts to Human Resources, Employee • Review resources provided to employees and ensure gun violence prevention is incorporated. address mental health, Health and Safety • Provide information to all employees about the heightened risks of suicide domestic violence wellbeing, and intimate partner related to guns and information on services/hotlines for victims. violence integrate gun safety • Review partner organizations to support employees and include groups with experience measures. working with gun violence victims. Define a policy of zero Human Resources • Draft a policy of zero tolerance towards firearms in and on company facilities, for example, tolerance towards firearms in following the template developed by Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), as and on company facilities (with legally allowed, that prohibits employees from bringing guns on company property. focus on employees). • OR Integrate zero tolerance towards firearms into existing workplace health and safety 4 policies, as legally allowed. • Share the policy with all employees. Define accountability for Human Resources, Senior • Ensure senior-level accountability to implement the policy. implementing zero-tolerance leadership • Establish regular internal and external reporting and include gun violence prevention policy. measures in annual public reporting.