Policy and Advocacy High-level Policy Guide There are many policy issues at the local, state, and national levels related to gun violence. Below is a selection of policy solutions to gun violence which companies should consider supporting as well as links with more information. Downloadable / Responsible Background Accountability Community Assault-Style Ghost Guns Gun Ownership Checks for the Gun Safety Weapons Industry • Companies should not • Promote secure gun • Background checks are • Strengthen regulations for • Prohibit open carry – often • Prohibit assault-style facilitate the sale of ghost storage– to reduce risk of required for gun sales by gun dealers– updating exploited by members of weapons–exceptionally guns(i.e., facilitating unintentional shootings and licensed gun dealers, but practices for storage, record hate groups to intimidate deadly firearms payments for ghost gun suicides. not for guns sold by keeping, training, etc. others. commonplace in mass parts, hosting 3D printing • Promote gun owner safety unlicensed sellers (i.e., • The Protection of Lawful • Repeal stand your ground shootings. files for downloadable training – to ensure sellers of guns online, at Commerce in Arms Act laws – which encourage • Prohibit bump stocks – guns), which are designed education on responsible gun shows), enabling those (PLCAA) blocks legal avoidable escalations of conversion devices that and sold as a way to practices and storing. with felony convictions and responsibility for violence. create a loophole for circumvent gun laws, and domestic abuse restraining manufacturers, distributors, • Support sensitive area machine gun regulations. are popular among people orders to buy guns without and dealers with restrictions – for places prohibited from owning a background check. irresponsible, reckless and where children gather, firearms. • The Charleston Loophole negligent sales practices places that serve alcohol, allows gun sales if after that enable illegal firearms etc. three days the FBI has not distribution. • Require permits for concluded an investigation concealed carry – to into whether an individual is encourage responsible gun eligible to buy a gun. ownership.

Toolkit for Corporate Action to End Gun Violence - Page 30 Toolkit for Corporate Action to End Gun Violence Page 29 Page 31