Reporting on gun violence prevention efforts Companies can report on their progress towards implementing gun violence prevention efforts in their risk management reporting, sustainability reports, or along with reporting on other community initiatives. Policy Efforts KPIs • The company publishes a gun violence • Implementing gun violence prevention • Number of suppliers that have committed prevention policy stating: policies to a value chain free from gun violence • Where the company interacts with • Investing in community gun violence • Number of intersection points with the the gun violence value chain prevention initiatives gun violence value chain (i.e., products, • Steps towards implementing the • Sensitization of suppliers on gun partnerships, services) policy violence prevention opportunities • Amount invested in community programs • Responsibility for overseeing the • Participation in local or national towards gun violence prevention policy advocacy initiatives • Number and type of advocacy initiatives • Connections with other company • Reporting can also be included in supported policies (i.e., workplace health and business-as-usual risk management safety, community empowerment, reporting, as many of these actions are etc.) aligned with established risk management practices