Internal Actions: Products and Services Stage Action Business Function Activities and Resources Integrate gun R&D, Brands, Marketing • Develop products and services, as relevant to the company, that respond violence prevention to the company’s intersections with the gun violence value chain. This in products and may include promotional materials for community initiatives and gun marketing. safety partnerships in areas of company product/services distribution. 3 • If relevant, consider how products related to guns could be made safer, such as gun safes and identification locks. Define a policy of a Brands, Procurement, • Track potential KPIs including: value chain free Marketing, • Number of suppliers who have committed to a gun violence-free value from gun violence, Sustainability/ESG chain. including reporting • Number of intersection points with the gun violence value chains (i.e., management to products, partnerships, services, etc.). 4 support implementation and • Stop procuring from companies that manufacture guns. relevant targets and • Stop manufacturing and selling guns and gun accessories. KPIs. • If a B2B service/product provider, ban customers that manufacture or sell guns.