Internal Actions: Products and Services Stage Action Business Function Activities and Resources Evaluate where products Brands, Procurement, • Undertake an assessment of business activities to understand where your company’s and services intersect Marketing products and services intersect with the gun violence value chain. Consider the with the gun violence following questions: value chain. • Do you manufacture or sell guns or gun accessories? • Do you source from suppliers that manufacture guns or gun accessories? • Do you manufacture or sell gun-related accessories? • Do you have brand partnerships with organizations that promote unsafe gun use? • Do you provide services that enable companies or individuals to make, buy, or sell guns? • Do you have operations where gun violence could occur? See the Industry Deep Dives section for sector-specific details. 1 Ensure human rights Human Rights, Compliance • Conduct human rights due diligence of all operations to assess priority human rights due diligence includes risks, including gun violence. gun violence. • Identify and assess those real and potential adverse human rights impacts across operations; • Based on the assessment, identify steps and to address those human rights impacts; • Define clear policies and processes to prevent and mitigate human rights risks • For example: publicly available responsible sourcing policies that clearly communicate human rights expectations; a responsible gun use policy that clearly stipulates due diligence expectations of its business suppliers, including retailers; a responsible marketing code of conduct that prohibits marketing strategies that target children.