Media & Social Media | Actions to Promote Gun Safety Given the intersections with how gun violence is promoted and where it occurs, media and social media companies should consider the following actions. STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 4 Evaluate where intersections with Develop action plan to dissociate Integrate gun violence prevention Define a policy of a value chain the gun violence value chain products from gun violence in products and marketing free from gun violence, including • Assess content moderation, • Prohibit licensing, marketing, • Use platforms and services to management to support hate speech, and other policies and advertising with partners disseminate gun safety implementation and relevant for their inclusion of gun safety that promote gun violence practices and rhetoric targets and KPIs practices • Prohibit customers and clients • Assess partnerships with from using services and advertisers, marketers that platforms to promote gun contribute to the gun violence violence value chain • Prohibit on informal gun ads via influencer- sponsored posts • Prohibit distribution of files for downloadable guns • Consider controls for extremist content linked to gun violence • Institute processes to detect the use of social media platforms to promote gun violence